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The Graduate Society Foundation Daneshvaran


The novel Night, by Elie Wiesel is a clear representation of loss of faith from beginning to end. Elie begins the story as a child who cries when he prays and begs to learn more of his religion. "I wept because-because of something inside me that felt the need for tears" (Wiesel, Night, 2). His faith is stronger than that of most Jews in the area, elderly and young. However, as he moves from camp to camp after his detainment, he starts to wonder what has happened to God, where he is, and how he is letting all this happen. This story represents losing faith in every way, because, over the course of the book, there are clear examples of Elie losing faith in himself, his father, and his religion.
Elie's faith in himself, at the beginning of the story, is at the peak of its ascent. He yearns to be educated gain additional knowledge of his religion regardless of the cost to himself. He believes he can sufficiently learn the most complicated of areas of Judaism and he decides to learn all he can possibly take in. Elie's strength, courage, and belief in himself guide him to survive for many years. As Elie stays at each concentration camp, he is torn an additional length from his soul. In the beginning, Elie has two objectives
